World Bosses

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World bosses each have a unique spawn mechanic that can be triggered any time to begin an initial fight and consecutively 5 minutes after the boss is killed or despawns. They are primarily hunted for cosmetic Capes and powerful rings.

Bjorn Stafrute

Picture Location
Drops Notes Trees
BjornStafrute.jpeg Highsteppe Overgrown Bark (Cape)
Signet of Bark (ring)
Bjorn Pet
Enraged by destroying four trees
Spawns Adds, tremors,
Spawns seeds (ranged attack)
Bjorn Stafrute Enrage Trees.jpg

Chaos Giant

Picture Location Drops Notes Switches
Chaos Giant.jpeg Lamavora Battlegrounds Unknown Equation (Cape)
Chaotic Signet (Ring)
Chaos Giant Pet
Enraged by flipping four switches at once Chaos Giant Enrage Levers.jpg

Scav Giant

Picture Location Drops Notes
Scav Giant.jpeg Hulthine's Basin Independent Thought (Cape)
Scavenged Ring
Scav Giant Pet
Must lead him to smash six wolves to Enrage
Spawns adds
Massive AOE

Rock Giant

Picture Location Drops Notes Pillars
Rock Giant.jpg Hulthine's Basin The Boulder (Cape)
The One (Ring)
Rock Giant Pet
A person must stand next to a job specific pillar on
each job to light them all up to spawn boss enraged.
Spawns adds, Jumps, AOE
Rock Giant Enrage Pillars.png