Adventurers from across the realm will travel great distances to have their weapons and armor forged and enhanced by a talented Artificer. Customizing and balancing each piece to its owner’s exact needs is within their grasp.
The most fabled Artificers often go on adventures of their own to the most dangerous places in the world, seeking the discovery of new runes and ore to further advance their own knowledge, and that of their entire craft.
Rune Tiles and Sets
Tiles are created through the alchemy profession. Using ores mined throughout the land, the artificer can create individual tiles with their known recipes.
Tilesets are created from individual tiles on the artificing table in the basement of your home. Each tileset is created from a series of three to five tiles.
There are currently 36 tiles/runes implemented in the game
Activating Tilesets
As a player engages in combat, all the individual actions of combat (taking damage, blocking, and each individual attack) all have their own rune associated with these actions. As the actions occur, the tiles in the tileset are activated. When the series of a tileset is complete, the buff will proc.
The series in a tileset does not have to be completed sequentially. Other actions can occur between the activation of each tile in the tileset. However, the more actions that occur, the more "interference" there is in the tileset and the weaker the proc.
Choosing a Tileset
When consumed, the runesmith sight potion will show the runes that are activating while a player is in combat. This potion only displays the runes for the player that consumed the potion. It does not, by comparison, reveal runes of all other players to the one who consumed the potion.
A skilled artificer can examine the runes of the player who consumed the potion and look for patterns that activate during combat. The artificer can then build tilesets based on the viewed runes.
Tiles - Attack
The following tiles are triggered when a specific type of attack is executed of a class and an enemy is hit with the attack.
Musketeer Meaning
Ranger Meaning
Runemage Meaning
Warrior Meaning
Paladin Meaning
Shaman Meaning
Bard Meaning
Scoundrel Meaning
Other Meaning
Recipe (Finish all when blue)
Impact orb |
Piercing Arrow |
Frostbolt 1, 2 and 3 |
Wound combo |
Ground Slam |
Frost totem (frost pulse). Also placing any totem on the ground spawns the tile. |
Burning a card (any card) |
Knight's Tear and Nahomium and Obsidian When green Grathorp
Arcane Ray |
Cleave combo |
Lightning Orb |
Spread Flint Spread Frost |
Cryejil and Knight's tear When yellow, Knight's Tear, When green, Cryejil
Decurse or shield orb (both trigger on the player who receives the orb) |
Triggers when smoke arrow starts smoke |
Pushback |
Provoke combo |
Libram of Power (right book) |
Stun Orb |
Throw mallet (hit enemy with it) |
Light card (heal card) |
Obsidian and Linstanium When green, Linstanium and Nahomium
Weakness orb AND Gravity orb |
Every hit arrow of spread arrow |
Firebolt 1, 2 and 3 |
Hit with pips (hammer throw or direct hit only) |
Fireball Orb |
Crescendo of instrument of justice and instrument of harm hitting enemy |
Flame card |
Cryejil and Grathorp When turquoise, Obsidian x2
Apply poison orb (every enemy it hits), or renew (every player it hits) |
Poison Arrow |
Affliction 1,2 |
Hamstring combo |
Pally poke damage target |
Lava Totem Pulse |
Gentle Healing Pulse Justice Pulse |
Card of Vines |
Nahomium and Grathorp When Green, Obsidian and Nahomium
Tiles - Healing
The following tiles are used to indicate a specific type of heal behavior of an class.
Musketeer Meaning
Ranger Meaning
Runemage Meaning
Warrior Meaning
Paladin Meaning
Shaman Meaning
Bard Meaning
Scoundrel Meaning
Other Meaning
Recipe (Finish all when blue)
Acquired when your character receives healing from one of various sources
Linstanium and Knight's Tear and Obsidian When green, Knight's Tear
Cure Wounds Orb |
Nahomium and Grathorp and Cryejil when turquoise, Cryejil
Tiles - Hits Per Second
The hits per second tiles are triggered by counting how many times you hit any enemy every second.
Musketeer Meaning
Ranger Meaning
Runemage Meaning
Warrior Meaning
Paladin Meaning
Shaman Meaning
Bard Meaning
Scoundrel Meaning
Other Meaning
Recipe (Finish all when blue)
Normal arrow counts as 1 hit. Charge counts as 2 hits. Poison counts as 2 hits. |
Blocking an attack with the shield counts as a hit |
Getting hit by an enemy also counts towards hits |
2 hits a second |
Nahomium X 2 When yelow, Cryejil When red, Obsidian
3 hits a second |
Cryejil and Obsidian When turquoise, Nahomium and Knights Tear
4 hits a second |
Nahomium x 2 When turquoise, Obsidian and Linstanium
5+ hits a second (more will also trigger it) |
Knight's tear, Nahomium, Obsidian and Nahomium
Damage over time hits like poison and affliction do not count. Somewhere on the background of the game it keeps track of how many times you hit an enemy every second. This is relative to nothing but some background clock ticking every second. Which will mean if you for example hit something every 0.8 seconds you will get the effect of the detected amount of hits per second varying. An example:
- Background clock is on 0.3 seconds and you hit the enemy. That is a count of 1.
- Clock comes on 1.0 second and gives you no tile because 1 hit each second does not exist.
- Then You hit the enemy again on 1.1 seconds
- And you hit any enemy again on 1.9 seconds. That is 2 hits so far in this second.
- Clock hits 2.0 seconds and you get the ᛗ tile to proc (2 hits per second)
Tiles - Attack Delay
Delay tiles are unlike hits per second tiles keeping track of how long you did not attack an enemy. This starts from 1 second not attacking.
Tiles - Attack Multiple Target
There is a special group of tiles that trigger if you hit X amount of enemies within 1 second. (Getting hit and blocking with warrior shield counts as hitting an enemy.)
Musketeer Meaning
Ranger Meaning
Runemage Meaning
Warrior Meaning
Paladin Meaning
Shaman Meaning
Bard Meaning
Scoundrel Meaning
Other Meaning
Recipe (Finish all when blue)
0 |
Killing an enemy |
Linstanium and Obsidian When yellow Nahomium When red, Obsidian
1 |
Hit exactly 2 enemies within two seconds |
Nahomium and Linstanium and Obsidian When yellow,Cryejil
Hit exactly 3 enemies within two seconds |
Obsidian, 1 Nahomium When green, 1 Knight's Tear, 1 Grathorp
Hit exactly 4 enemies within two seconds |
Cryejil and Nahomium When red, Cryejil and Grathorp
Hit 5+ enemies within two seconds |
Nahomium x 2 and Cryejil When yellow, Nahomium
Tiles - Attack Received
The following tiles are triggered by enemies damaging the player in some way.
Musketeer Meaning
Ranger Meaning
Runemage Meaning
Warrior Meaning
Paladin Meaning
Shaman Meaning
Bard Meaning
Scoundrel Meaning
Other Meaning
Recipe (Finish all when blue)
Does not trigger when hit on the shield |
Triggers for every enemy hitting you with a melee attack |
Nahomium x 2 When turquoise, Obsidian and Linstanium
Hammer Zap (Pally Poke) to heal target |
Triggers when getting damaged by any enemy with a magical attack (nature bolt, poisonous pools/fog, poison ticks) |
Grathorp and Cryejil and Grathorp When green, Nahomium
Triggers when you receive damage from 2 different enemies in 3 seconds |
Obsidian x 2 and Cryejil When turquoise, Obsidian
Triggers when you receive damage from 3 different enemies in 3 seconds |
Nahomium and Knight's Tear When green, Obsidian and Linstanium
Triggers when you receive damage from 4 different enemies in 3 seconds |
Grathorp and Cryejil When Turqoise, Nahomium When yellow,Cryejil
Tiles - Receive Specific Damage
The following tiles are triggered when a specific type of attack hits you. (this is mostly PvP)
Tiles - Other
The remaining tiles. Their way of triggering is unknown. (And might have never been implemented by the devs)
Musketeer Meaning
Ranger Meaning
Runemage Meaning
Warrior Meaning
Paladin Meaning
Shaman Meaning
Bard Meaning
Scoundrel Meaning
Other Meaning
Recipe (Finish all when blue)
Obsidian and Knight's Tear When Turquoise, Linstanium When yellow, Knight's Tear
Grathorp and Nahomium When green, Cryejil When yellow, Linstanium
Cryejil and Grathorp When green, Grathorp When yellow, Knight's Tear
Cryejil x 2 When Turquoise, Obsidian When yellow, Cryejil
Linstanium and Knight's Tear When green, Cryejil and Linstanium
Knight's Tear and Grathorp
Grathorp and Nahomium When turquoise, Linstanium When red, Linstanium
Basic Tilesets
Work in progress, coming soon (edit: years later, not coming soon xD)