Terms / Abbreviations

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AoE (Area of Effect, also AE) - Area of Effect, or AoE, something that affects more than one target within a pre-determined radius set by the game's mechanics.

DoT (Damage over Time, pronounced "dot") - a term used to describe a single spell or attack which deals full damage not instantly but over a period of time, dealing a portion of its total damage at regular intervals. The damage is often done every second or every half-second, and each instant in which it is dealt is called a 'tick'.

HoT (Healing over Time, pronounced "hot") - a term used to describe a single spell or potion which heals a portion of its total recovery at regular intervals. Each instant in which it heals is also referred to as a 'tick'.

Tick - See DoT or HoT. May also refer to the smallest whole unit of time used in the game (i.e. an attack speed of 6 ticks).

Buff – An increase in stats or an effective increase in power through a change in mechanics. Can refer to both temporary real-time combat events and long-term stat or mechanic changes.

Debuff – A decrease in stats or an effective decrease in power through a change in mechanics. Typically just refers to temporary real-time combat events.

Nerf – A decrease in stats or an effective decrease in power through a change in combat mechanics. Typically just refers to long-term stat or mechanic changes.

Proc - Random occurence where a buff or debuff is applied to a player or enemy, altering their stats or combat mechanics in some way.

DPS (Damage Per Second) – May refer either literally to damage output per second or the role of primary damage dealers in group activity.

PuG (Pick-up group, also PUG) – A group assembled on the spot without advance planning.

Wipe – The death of an entire group or party, usually in a dungeon or raid

Add - Short for additional, referring to extra minor monsters spawned by elite or boss level monsters

Mob - Alternate term for monsters or enemies

HS – Highsteppe

GC – Guild City